Hi! I’m Bethany Nicole and this is my Astrocartography Travel Blog- Follow Your Trail Of Bliss-.
I’m So Glad You’re Here!
Whether you are a Lover of Astrology, Travel, or Both, this is the place for you!
If you’re curious about Astrocartography and how it plays out in real-life stories and experiences, and how that can help you chart your own travel, then this is the blog for you.
What Is Astrocartography?
Astrocartography uses the placement of the planets at the time of your birth, imposed on a map to reveal the secrets of your most aligned locations and destinations.
You can use it to plan a move, find love, build a business, or create a one-of-a-kind travel itinerary.
Here’s How I Discovered This Beautiful Technology.

My Story
“I want to go to Africa.”
“How about our LOVELY study abroad partner program in London?”
” I want to go to Africa.”
“In London, you can travel all over Europe, you can even fly over to Africa if you want.”
“No. I want to study abroad in Africa.”
I sat in the plush, overstuffed office of the study abroad coordinator as she shoved a variety of glossy brochures toward me, convincing me with all her might to go somewhere, literally anywhere but Africa. I would not be swayed.
Hopping Flights
In my heart, I knew Ghana, West Africa was calling my name. I had already dabbled in international travel in South America, but this was a massive leap of faith. I grew up in Appalachia, in Western North Carolina and no one in my family had ever been abroad, except in the military. Most of my family had never even left the state.
In short, I was on my own. So at the ripe old age of 20, I hopped on a flight bound for a continent I’d only read about and seen in terrifying movies. (I watched both Blood Diamond and Hotel Rwanda mere weeks before my departure, I do not recommend.)
The trip took me along my Jupiter Line and through the deserts of the Dogon, the camel backs of Timbuktu, and the jungles of Ghana and I came back with a taste for the spiritual and the unexplored.

Follow Your Trail Of Bliss
As I finished my college days I walked away with a degree in Philosophy that pointed me towards my love of ancient wisdom.
I began working with non-profits and child welfare hoping to further my insight into helping underserved communities a topic I had also explored in my time abroad.
Yet the traditional route did not fit me very well and on the verge of completely breaking under the pressure of being something I am clearly not, I broke free.
I began combining my love of writing, travel, and astrology into one place, and that gave birth to the very site that you are currently perusing.
It is the culmination of all my love, passions, and interests. Seeing how to navigate using the ancient wisdom of astrology, and then writing about it, is everything I’ve ever wanted and didn’t know how to create.
So I hope you too are able to Follow Your Trail Of Bliss out of the ordinary and into the unknown and extraordinary. If I’m able to help you do that, well now that is just the stuff dreams are made of.