How To Use Astrocartography To Find Your Home Sweet Home!
Discovering the 3 Best Astrocartography Lines To Live On(and The 3 Worst) Can Be A Complex Process. While each line has its own benefits and potential obstacles, the way the individual planet interacts with your personal chart and energetics can also play a role.
So while there might not be hard and fast answers for everyone, there are a few simple methods of interpretation and specific lines that tend to lean towards an easeful living situation and a few others that lend more of a challenge.
So Let’s Break it Down Step By Step.
What Is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography is the placement of the planets at the time of your birth, transposed on a map, to navigate to your most divinely aligned places and locations.
Astrocartography also known as locational astrology, utilizes the placements of planets at the time of your birth and creates a map that highlights these alignments in the form of lines. It is like your Birth Chart superimposed on a globe. Then based on the lines, where they land, cross, intersect, or interact, an energetic blueprint is formed and can be read.
Find Your Free Astrocartography Chart
The first step to discovering the 3 Best Astrocartography Lines To Live On, is finding your Astrocartography Chart. To get your Free Chart you can go to and follow these simple steps.
Once you’ve pulled up your chart, you can move on to the next step.
The 3 Best Astrocartography Lines To Live On

Reading an Astrocartography Chart requires interpretation as well as comparison with your birth chart, but there are simple ways to read it on your own. While there aren’t always hard and fast rules associated with the chart, there are some general concepts that can help you interpret your chart. Discover a few basic ways to read your Astrocartography Chart below.
(3 Tips To Reading Your Astrocarography Chart!)
Once you’ve pulled up your chart you can navigate to the placement of these three lines, as they are generally considered the most beneficial lines to live along.
1. The Venus Line Astrocartography
The Venus Line in Astrocartography is a line that represents the placement of the planet Venus at an individual’s time of birth, superimposed onto a map of the globe.

Venus is the planet of love, luxury, sensuality, and earthly pleasures. It can represent someone’s ties to financial wealth as well as their sense of self-worth.
It represents all the earthly aspects that make life worth living, from the pursuit of pleasure to a person’s sense of value.
It is generally considered one of the most sensual and luxurious lines to live along, where things can take on a rose-colored hue. You can feel more beautiful, vibrant, and expressive and you might even find your special someone. Venus along your DSC is considered the “marriage line” while Venus along the IC can bring extra luck and luxury in the home and familial realms.
(Find The Venus Line in your Chart Here )
2. The Jupiter Line Astrocartography
The Jupiter Line in Astrocartography is the line that represents the placement of the planet Jupiter at the time of birth.

Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and even a touch of magic.
Things along this line just seem to fall into place, and it can feel a bit like you have the Midas touch. Free hotel rooms, lucrative job offers, and even chance encounters abound along this line.
If you want to really dance with the universe, then along a Jupiter Line is a great place to start.
(Check Out My Own Magical Jupiter Line Experience Here!)
Depending on where the line is pointing this sense of luck and happy coincidence can fall in the realms of home and family, finances, relationships, and more. So navigating toward your nearest Jupiter Line is generally a great way to experience more of well…everything!
(Find the Jupiter Line In Your Chart Here)
3. The Moon Line Astrocartography
The Moon Line in Astrocartography is the line that represents the placement of the moon at the time of birth.

The Moon represents our emotional center, our maternal, and our sense of nurturing.
The Moon Line in Astrocartography can often point toward a sense of belonging, comfort, and nurturing experiences.
In fact, many women find their Moon Line when pursuing motherhood or starting a family. It can help you feel emotionally connected to yourself, others, or your future family.
It can also be a place that will help you tune into your intuition and sense of natural cycles and connection. Starting a lunar, wellness, or intuition-aligned business along this line can also point towards a sense of fulfillment(financial or otherwise) and a connection or community with others.
The 3 Worst Astrocartography Lines To Live On

While no Astrocartography Line is necessarily “good” or “bad” there are lines that are a little more conducive to live along than others. Looking at your individual Birth Chart as well as your Astrocartography Chart can really help decipher how a line will feel individually to you(also Check Out These 3 Tips To Reading Your Astrocartography Chart.)
Yet with all that being said, the 3 Lines below are generally best to steer clear of as far as setting up a home or trying to find long-term peace and stability. Their energetics are just not particularly conducive to that. If you were able to make it work along these lines, you would probably be the exception–not the rule.
(Although, as always go with your gut and follow your intuition but just don’t say we didn’t warn you!)
1. The Mars Line Astrocartography
The Mars Line in Astrocartography is the line that represents the placement of the planet Jupiter at the time of birth.

The Mars Line in Astrocartography can be a bit misunderstood. While it can be excellent for breaking barriers, discovering new horizons, or creating new adventures. as a line to live along, it can feel disharmonious.
When looking for a relationship or special someone…even more so.
This line especially requires careful attention to its direction(AC, DC, IC, MC) you can discover the difference HERE.
This has to do with Mars’s primary qualities and energetics. It is the warrior. It is strong, aggressive, action-oriented, and disruptive.
While those are excellent qualities in the work or discovery arena, in our home and relationship lives, those can be difficult energetics. In fact, one of the primary books on Astrocartography cites Mars on the IC as one of the most difficult lines to live along.
(To Find Your 3 Most Adventurous Lines Click Here!)
2. The Pluto Line Astrocartography
The Pluto Line in Astrocartography is the line that represents the placement of the planet Pluto at the time of birth.

The Pluto Line in Astrocartography can point towards depth, transformation, power, and rebirth.
Unfortunately, intense energetics, past traumas, subconscious beliefs, and more can rise to the surface along this line.
While from a spiritual perspective, it is very effective in working out our internal issues, as far as cozy home life or harmonious relationships—maybe not.
Pluto can lend itself to power struggles, adversity, and the darkest shadow aspects. A move along this line can indicate a time of deep contemplation, inner work, ego death, transformation, and then rebirth.
While these aspects are lovely things to work out in our lives, setting up a home or trying to find a relationship along this line(Especially Pluto along IC) is not for the faint of heart. In fact, the line often acts to kick you off of it. Like a parent pushing its fledgling out into the world, many people report feeling like the line was trying to kick them out of the nest!
Best to try to build your safe, supportive home front elsewhere my friends.
3. The Uranus Line Astrocartography
The Uranus Line in Astrocartography is the line that represents the placement of the planet Uranus
at the time of birth. And Yuck.

Talk about disruptive. If you’ve never experienced the Uranus along the IC line, I do not recommend it.
While each line has its positives and challenges, trying to settle along this line can feel like riding a bucking bronc. Weird home-life disruptions abound.
While it can represent breaking patterns and the status quo, in your home life(along the IC) that can be uncomfortable.
I’ve seen things like landlords changing their minds last minute, buildings getting foreclosed, crazy roommate scenarios, even partnerships falling apart, and saddling one person with a lease they can’t afford. Like I said, not cute.
However, if Uranus is placed along a different line such as the MC line, you could experience more disruption in your work life, which can actually be a positive thing if the status quo of the job is toxic or if you are bringing innovative ideas or techniques.
To Sum It Up…
Each Astrocartography Line is going to have its positives and negatives, its benefits and pitfalls, its challenges and triumphs.
Discovering how Astrocartography lines feel to you as an individual, can be a bit of a trial-and-error process. Yet this guide will help you get started and guide you towards the most conducive home life lines and the ones that are generally just best to avoid.
(Be sure to check out my section on Case Studies to see how these lines play out in real life for myself and my clients.)
To get additional guidance on your own lines and what they mean to you individually, be sure to Book Your Personalized Session!
Read More About What To Expect From An Astrocarography Reading Here.