So Much to See So Little Time?
When you’re on a big travel adventure, it can feel overwhelming when there is SO much to do and SO much to see. How do you prioritize, how do you keep from missing something big, how do you stave off the FOMO?! Well, fear not my friend, because I just happen to have the best Travel Time Management Tip EVER.
That anxiety, that fear of missing out, it’s all coming from you. No one is looking over your shoulder counting the number of things you did on your trip. Ok, sure you can rack up a lot of social media pics, or surface-level stories for friends, family, or your blog, but the real stories, the real adventures and experiences, are the ones you are present for.
Try Doing Nothing…As Something

Let me introduce a radical thought. What if you tried doing nothing–as something? Try taking your book, a journal, and a coffee to the local park or square and just…hanging out. Seriously.
You pick up snatches of conversations and phrases in other languages, you get to immerse yourself fully in the energy of the city and the culture and you learn a LOT about the place you are staying.
It could also lead to crazy cool connections, I’ve had people walk up to me to comment on the book I’m reading, or something I’m wearing and Voila! I met a new friend. And sometimes this new friend had really cool ideas, or recommendations; things way off the beaten path of any guidebook.
Travel Time Management Checklist

If you still want something a little more concrete in managing your travel time, check out this super simple Travel Time Management Checklist.
It will make sure you hit everything on your list without running around like a frantic squirrel trying to hit all the hot spots.
You have the freedom to add or remove things as needed and if something doesn’t pan out, no problem, you have some backups!
Leave Room For Spontaneity

Yes, you can even put “Leave Room For Spontaneity” on your list somewhere if you want. I won’t judge you I promise.
Be sure to leave some time and space open for things that just pop up. Whether it’s that cool and kind of creepy bookstore you passed on the way to the park or a suggestion from one of your new acquaintances, be sure to be open to some unscheduled adventure. Taking time to go off the beaten path is what led you to take this trip in the first place, so be sure to leave room for that same magic on your trip.
Synchronicities, and signs–these are the guideposts of the universe, but you might miss them if you are studying the map too hard!
Stay open to the whispers of the universe and leave room for the Unplanned, Unscheduled, and Unexplainable!
That is, after all, the most beautiful part of travel...