About Me
“Place Isn’t A Stage, A Backdrop Against Which We Act Out Our Lives. It Is Part Of What We Are.” – Alastair Bonnett
Welcome to Follow Your Trail Of Bliss! The Astrocartography Travel Blog where I blend the art of mapping celestial influences with the thrill of discovering new destinations.
✈️I’m Bethany Nicole, your tour guide for this Astrological Expedition.

My fascination with Astrocartography began when I realized that my birth chart could offer insights into the best places for me to thrive and find balance. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to explore the world through the lens of the stars. Whether it’s finding the perfect city to boost creativity or the ideal beach to rejuvenate, I’ve been exploring how our planetary alignments shape our experiences.
On this blog, you’ll find a unique mix of travel guidance, personal anecdotes, and astrological insights. From detailed Astrocartography readings for popular destinations to tips on how to align your travels with your astrological chart, I’m here to help you navigate the world with cosmic clarity. 🗺️
Join me as we embark on adventures that are not just about where we go, but about how the stars can guide us to our most fulfilling experiences. Let’s discover how the universe can shape our travel dreams and transform every journey into a celestial adventure.
Safe travels and starry skies! 🌟
P.S. Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising…In case you were wondering.

People– Zodiac Compatibility
Cosmo-Hinge Prompts
Newsweek- Relationship Advice
Best Life– Zodiac Characteristics
Well + Good– Planetary Characteristics
Parade– Kindred Spirits/ Soulmates
The EveryGirl– Zodiac Preferences
Places I’ve Lived/Travelled
Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Ghana(Lived), Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Senegal
South America
Peru, Columbia
London, Yorke, Norwich, Cambridge, Birmingham
Los Angeles California, Asheville, North Carolina, Tampa, Florida, Austin and Dallas Texas, Charleston, West Virginia,