Is Your Astrocartography Chart A Mystery? Check Out These Top 3 Tips For Reading Your Astrocartography Chart!

With all the intersecting angles, crisscrossing lines, abstract symbols, and random letters, no wonder your Astrocartography Chart looks like a big ol’ mess! But not to fear! Here are three ways to begin un-muddling the mess that is an unread Astrocartography Chart.

Astrocartography chart- with map showing arrows to the zoom in and out buttons

These tips will help you discover deeper levels of insight as well as simplistic methods to read an Astrocartography Chart at the most basic levels.

P.S. Don’t Forget You Can Zoom In And Out On The Chart Using The Plus/Minus Signs Indicated by The Arrows In The Photo.

Ok, saddle up because here we go!

What Is Astrocartography?

Top view of a woman's hands planning a trip with a map, camera, and travel items.

Astrocartography is like a personalized travel guide written in the stars! It uses your birth chart to map out where on Earth different planets and energies influence you most. By mapping out the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets across the globe, Astrocartography reveals the places that might bring out your best self, challenge you, or help you grow.

Whether you’re looking for adventure, love, career opportunities, or inner peace, Astrocartography can guide you to the places where the stars seem to shine most brightly for you. It’s astrology with a travel twistโ€”think of it as a map to your personal cosmic hotspots! ๐ŸŒโœจ

To Learn More About Astrocartography Click Here!

How To Find Your Astrocartography Chart

Woman with dreadlocks sitting in bedroom folding clothes into suitcase, preparing for travel.

To find your Astrocartography Chart first visit and then Follow These Steps. Once you pull up your Free Astrocartography Chart you can begin to examine the different positions of the lines and the locations they are near. It will give you an idea of locales that will be best for love, luck, and financial success as well as the areas that might feel a bit harder for you to prosper in.

Once you’ve pulled up your Free Astrocartography Chart, read on to discover three tips that will help you learn to read it like a pro!

1. Look At Your Birth Chart

One of the best ways to understand your Astrocartography Chart is to go to the source–your Birth Chart!

This allows you to not only get oriented on what the Lines and Letters Of Your Astrocartography Chart Mean, but also gives you insight into your personal energetics.

Finding Your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign can help personalize the process.

As you can see from the chart, each Line is associated with different Houses in the Birth Chart, which can give you an indication of the areas of your life affected by the position of the line. It can also give you the lens of perception and experience each line might offer.

2. Look For Lines That Are Near Each Other

A collection of lines usually means a collection of energy! Good/Bad or otherwise.

Sometimes even though a line(like the Venus Line) is generally considered beneficial, it may cross or be conjunct with a less ideal line. While we may want to access those lines for specific reasons, living or working along them might not be in our best interest.

So when looking at lines make sure to check what’s around them on all sides.

3. Click On The Lines/Planets

When accessing your Free Astrocartography Chart, if you are using then you are able to zoom in and out on the chart, but you are also able to click on it to get additional information. If you click on the planet symbol, the letters, or even the point at which they cross, provides additional information. You can get generalized information about what the lines, letters, and their relationship to each other mean!

While the information provided is generalized(it’s not tailored to your specific Birth Chart) it does give you a basis for understanding what energetics might be at play on the given lines.

3 Tips For Reading Your Astrocartography Chart- Map of Mercury Crossing chiron
3 Tips For Reading Your Astrocartography Chart- Map of Mercury Crossing chiron Astrocartography information about Mercury lines crossing with arrows pointing to the key

Bonus* Ask A Professional!

Of course, the wisest course of action, especially before planning a big move or trip is to consult with an expert!

***For example, take the photo of the chart above. That is actually my chart, and off to the side is Los Angeles, a place where I lived. While the Chiron/MC crossing is generally beneficial and I was able to gain massive attention in writing, and as a podcast guest/guest expert,(Mercury pursuits) there were a lot of other factors at play around that location.

As you can see there are Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune on DSC off to the corner. The combination of these very difficult placements made my Los Angeles experience a very mixed bag, and while I did experience some success(thanks to the Mercury, Chiron, and Sun line placements) the harsher aspects/lines ultimately made it unliveable for me.

That’s why it’s always best to consult an expert for a professional Astrocartography reading. If you are interested in going deeper into your own chart, then feel free to Book Your Personalized Astrocartography Session today!

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